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Bus Transportation

The bus lane is located in the front of the school. Bus routes are coordinated through the District Transportation Office located on 151st Street and 94th Avenue. If you have any questions about bus transportation, please call 708-364-3338.

Safety on the school bus is a priority. Students seat are not assigned unless the driver or the building administrators deem this necessary for student safety. For everyone’s safety, please remind your child of the bus rules.The rules on the bus are very simple. Please support us and explain to your child the extreme importance of following expectations for riding the bus safely and respectfully.

In the event of misbehavior on the bus, an incident report will be filled out and sent home. A series of consequences will be followed for misbehavior on the bus. If an incident is serious, bus service may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the school.

*Per District safety guidelines, we cannot allow our students to ride home with a friend on a different bus.